Heavenpreneurs Discipleship Network

Where entrepreneurs are learning to do business Heaven’s way, so all may prosper.

We're bringing Heaven's Kingdom Citizens together to expand Heaven on earth so all may prosper, in our businesses & beyond.

Welcome to our new Heavenpreneurs Discipleship Network. Wendy Twine and other Kingdom Ambassadors are bringing together Spirit-filled Christ-followers who are entrepreneurs, business owners, marketplace leaders, ministers, and emerging Heavenpreneurs looking to discover and release their superpowers to transform people and nations through business; so that, all may prosper as we restore earth's dominions for King Jesus and Heaven's Kingdom on the primary 7 Mountains of Influence in Society as we implement His Kingdom culture.

What's Coming?

Wendy, along with the Heavenpreneurs Discipleship Network and their trainers, are seeking to equip and empower people, through our e-communities and beyond, in three primary equipping tracks:

  • Heavenpreneurship
  • Prophetic Revelations & Activations
  • 7 Mountain Reformers

If you're looking to expand your influence, amplify your impact, build your business platform in partnership with Heavenly Father and with His Kingdom culture, grow your divine connections who have similar goals; plus, bring reformation to one or more of the seven primary mountains of society through business - this network of communities is for you.

The primary ways we will equip and empower are through Master Classes, Master Minds, Mentorships, Meetups, Mighty Events, Material Resources, and more.

Here are some of the topics we'll start with:

* Understanding How to Live Spirit First
* Develop & Release The PROPHETic within You
* How to Become a KINGdom Business Builder
* How to Market & Sell Heaven's Way
* Developing 7 Streams of Income

My passion project - The Supernatural Operations Playbook(TM): How to Operate Your Business from Heaven's Throne Room to Your Boardroom. 

Are You Ready to Co-Create &
Restore Dominion Together

Join our discipleship network as we co-create purposeful and powerful communities, 7M collaborations, reformational causes, co-training programs, celebrative events, and crusades with Heaven's agenda to transform your mountain of influence in your company, community,  country, and beyond.

As Heaven's Kingdom citizens and Spirit-filled Christ-followers who are entrepreneurs, business owners, marketplace leaders, and ministers, we have the assignment to fulfill with the great commission in our workspace and marketplace.

That is, to go and make disciples of all nations to partner with Heaven one business at a time. And, with that commission is to bring Heaven's culture and commerce on the 7 Mountains of Influence in society to liberate entrepreneurs, families, and communities so ALL may prosper.

You Belong Here...

If you have the heart for King Jesus, and for His Kingdom to be expanded with His Kingdom Culture in and through your commerce, and your mountain of influence. 

If you want to learn how to rule and reign as a priest and king to our God and expand Heaven's atmosphere and territories in your workspace and marketplace.

If you want to create multiple streams of income, generational wealth, and leave a lasting legacy that goes beyond this world so ALL may prosper.

If you want to develop your prophetic revelations, activations, and giftings so you can receive Heaven's solutions, strategies, structures, and systems.

If you want to be Heaven's ambassador to bring Heaven's government and reformation to your mountain of influence in society through business.

If any of this is a resounding yes inside of you, then come and join our new network and emerging communities. And it's always fun to do things together. So, why not invite a fellow colleague to expand Heaven's Kingdom together? Two are better than one.

We look forward to seeing you on the other side!